Welcome to my Blog page, here’s some information about me:
- Director of the Medical Library and Lecturer at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon
- The first woman to hold a PhD degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from AUB
- A board member of the Arab World Association of Young Scientists (ArabWAYS)
- First country representative for Lebanon at Healthcare Information For All (HIFA)
- A committee member at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the American International Consortium of Academic Libraries (AMICAL), and the Lebanese Library Association (LLA)
- Selected as the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) policy-making tracker rapporteur for Lebanon
- Extensive teaching experience since 2007
- Author of several research papers published in prominent peer-reviewed international journals.
- Speaker at several international conferences and workshops
I am proud and fortunate to receive a fellowship to attend the 2023 Mortenson Center Associates Program under the theme: Shaping the Future of Libraries, May 24 – June 20, 2023. The program does not only provide a unique professional development opportunity but also an exceptional cultural and social experience with people of different backgrounds and beliefs. I am particularly interested in learning about:
- Leadership, organization and team/project management styles and approaches.
- Roles of librarians in attaining the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGSs).
- Innovative and smart technologies, AI applications, virtual and augmented reality, 3D and library of the future.
- Makerspaces and flexible learning spaces.
- Role of librarians as driving forces of social transformation.