Deborah Bumbie-Chi

Hello! My name is Deborah, I am a librarian and information professional in a Ghanaian academic library.

My job allows me to assist users with searching, accessing and using electronic information, researching and using research tools, referencing and citation management, training and library instruction.

I have worked with readers advisory and reference services, institutional repository services, electronic resources and services as well as information literacy instruction to undergraduates.

My goal is to create valuable products and services for teaching, learning and research in higher education in Ghana and beyond. I also aspire to be a leader in information literacy education for young adults to enhance lifelong learning.

I love meeting new people, sharing ideas, visiting places and collaborations.

Check out my blog posts and let’s engage. T for Thanks.

“…all hard-work brings a profit, but mere talk only leads to poverty…”

Proverbs 14:23