I am the Reference Librarian at the Science & Engineering Branch Library (SEBL), University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica since April 2018. I have worked as a Cataloger from August 2011 to March 2018. Providing metadata for all the resources acquired by the library in different formats.
I have conduct Information Literacy training for both graduate and undergraduate students in areas such as reference management software, OPAC, source research materials, provide consultation and full scrutiny thesis for graduate students.
Attendance to a number of conferences have aided my continuing professional development. These include IFLA 2011 77th WLIC Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico; IFLA 2013 79th WLIC Conference, Singapore, Singapore: presented a paper on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL), and a poster presentation on 4D@your library respectively.
Two weeks attachment at Brock University, James A. Gibson Library, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
My area of interest include Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning (CPDWL), Mentorship, Metadata creation and library management.
I am a participant in the Mortenson Center Associates Program 2018.
Mortenson Center Associates Program 2018
Read Karen Tyrell’s blog posts here.