Nkoyo Edem


2018 Mortenson  Center Library Associates

I am the University Librarian, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. An Associate Professor of Library and Information Science and 2018  Mortenson Center Associate.I have headed many divisions 2000 as Head, Reference &Bibliographic, Africana Unit in 2006, world Bank Unit in 2007 and Technical Services Division in 2008. I rose through the rank as Assistant Librarian, to a position of a Senior Lecturer in 2009. I was appointed Deputy University Librarian in 2011, a position I held till September, 2016. By November 2016, I became the current University Librarian. On my assumption in office, I had passion for students with special needs and that prompted the creation of two new units in the Library namely:”Special Education Library” and” Donation Library” for students with special education need and donation of library resources in different subject areas to enhance research capabilities of users and how to make effective use of the library


Library users are at the heart of everything we do. WE provide friendly, professional and efficient services at all times. Librarians in the library are very innovative, ensuring that users ‘ needs are met on time. we undergo professional development program to ensure continued excellence and expertise of our staff. One of our operating principles is to ensure “Aggressive Information Literacy program” – instructing users on the required skills to locate, evaluate and use information for academic purposes.

My interest areas are as follows:

Library and  Information Literacy Services

Reference Services

ICT in Libraries


Research Techniques and Collaboration

Grant Writing /Funding

Read Nkoyo Edem’s blog posts here.