2018 Associates

Imagine, Design, Engage, Act. A Professional Development Program for Library Leaders and Innovators

The 2018 Associates Program Theme was: Imagine, Design, Engage, Act. A Professional Development Program for Library Leaders and Innovators. The program took place between May 23rd  and June 19th,  2018

This year’s ten Associates are from nine countries: Costa Rica, Jordan, Jamaica, Japan, Nigeria (2), Oman, Sierra Leone, South Korea, and Zambia.

Meet our incredible group of 2018 Associates. The group included ten librarians and Library and Information Science educators and scholars from nine different countries:  Costa Rica, Jordan, Jamaica, Japan, Nigeria (2), Oman, Sierra Leone, South Korea, and Zambia.


Visit the Associates’ individual profiles and blog posts by clicking below:

Explore some of the 2018 Associates Experience