Hyerin Kim

About Myself

Hello! I am a librarian of the National Library of Korea.

After I got my Bachelor’s degree in February 2013, I’ve worked for the National Library of Korea(NLK) since December 2013.

  • 2013-2014 – First my job at the library was the Science Subject Librarian at the Collection Management Department. I was in charge of the room of the Pure Science and Technology. I created some of the gateway about the science and write science book reviews. My reviews also contributed to several newspapers.

               If you want to see the review, click here.

  • 2014-2015 – Information Service Desk.
  • 2016-2017 – Literature Subject Librarian.
  • May 2017 ~ Circulation Desk and Management of the Main Storage of the NLK.

Future Plans

I would like to build sustainable libraries. These days so many things can easily accessible thanks to the digital era. Many people have doubs about the book which will be disappeared for the digitization of the book. But I have confidence that not only the book but also any materials which can deliver the information is our mandatory to be served and be preserved for the future generations.

It might be hard time to the library at this wealth of the information materials. But I truly believe that it will be our chance to show them our power of our professionals for the information science!

Time Between Dog and Wolf of The National Library of Korea

Read Hyerin Kim’s blog posts here.

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