Like almost at every beginning of the new journey we spent this week in getting used to the new places and exploring the environment and getting to know the other fellow participants as well as their library stories. I have realized and I was very convinced immediately how double honored I am to be the one of the associates at Mortenson Center since I have opportunity to learn from both associates and from high skilled professionals as our presenters.
Since I had already set some of my learning goals in advance, I was pleasantly surprised how the excellent presenters have managed to interest me so deeply in topics such as the acquisition and e-resource management or cataloguing and AI even I was not involved earlier in these fields. The process of transformation has started!
It was interesting to find out what my DiSC type was, but it was even more important how to implement advices from the Interaction Guide and improve working effectively with other styles in my random environment in future.
After a great lecture about AI literacy and even better professional guidance tour at Grainger Engineering and Information Library Center thanks to Celenia Graves, I have been realized that an incredible transformation of the library space is possible if you follow the interests and needs of the users and combine it with usage of new technology. IDEA Lab Tour was a perfect example of how you can encourage and foster users to be innovative, creative and productive.
The session about librarians as leaders in Digital Citizenship presented by Dr Kristen Mattson was very fruitful with lot of examples and offered material about the theme as well as very inspiring so I have decided to share the new knowledge about digital citizenship with my colleagues upon return to my home country.
The learning, all tours to the various libraries, sharing and networking with fellow participants make my adaptation and preparation for change went very easily and smoothly in this first week. Transformation has started!