2024 Mortenson Center Associates Program
03-26 June 2024
Week 1 | Week 2 | Trip to Chicago | Week 3 | Week 4
Senior Librarian, Library and Information Services, ADA University
As a Senior Librarian, I oversee the daily operations of a library’s circulation desk to ensure the efficient management of materials and services. My responsibilities generally include managing circulation services, training and supervising circulation staff and volunteers, ensuring quality customer service, contributing to development and enforcement of circulation policies and procedures, providing data analysis and reporting for library administration, coordinating interlibrary loan service, overseeing resource management and technology integration for effective circulation workflow.
My learning objectives during the Associates Program include, but not limited to:
- To learn new ways of user-centered services;
- To comprehend multiple literacies, including media literacy, digital literacy & AI;
- To discuss leadership, change management & communication;
- To get new knowledge and skills about library innovations, emerging trends & technologies;
I am a PhD candidate in Library and Information Science at Baku State University.
I am an author of several research and case study articles, as well as conference papers and posters. For detailed information, please proceed.
I have attended several international library programs and summer schools, such as Stuttgart Media University Summer School for International Librarians, Germany; ANKOS Personnel Exchange Program, Istanbul, Turkiye; Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Program at Koç University Library, Istanbul, Turkiye; and other programs.
Also, I volunteered during the IFLA WLIC conferences several times: 2017 Wroclaw, Poland; 2019 Athens, Greece; 2022 Dublin, Ireland; 2023 Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
I am going to present a poster in 2024 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 27 – July 2, 2024, San Diego, California.