Prince Dwomoh

Dip., B.A., M.A. (Ghana)

Akwaaba (welcome) to Mr. Dwomoh‘s page. I am a Principal Library Assistant with the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS), where I started as a cataloger in the main library (Balme). Currently, I manage the Study of Religions’ Library in the College of Humanities (UG). My main roles include processing new books and making them accessible by users, and also assisting users with search and retrieval of information sources. I educate graduate students via seminars and workshops to expose them to the various research tools and databases available for use in the UGLS. I am committed to updating my skills and competences to transform the University of Ghana Library System. As an emerging academic librarian, my career aspiration is to contribute to knowledge in Library & Information Science and demonstrate expert leadership in meeting the information needs of patrons of the University of Ghana.

My learning objectives for this program are to engage with like-minded librarians from other parts of the world to explore critical issues and best practices in librarianship; to harness the power of collaboration by connecting to these librarians after the program to share innovative ideas and opportunities; to stay abreast with emerging trends and technologies in information science for effective change management; to learn how to evaluate my library services and design programs relevant to enrich the lives of all users; to build my capacity to inspire colleague librarians and information professionals in Ghana to embrace innovation in order to stay relevant in today’s rapidly evolving information age.

Kindly click here to read my reflections as a 2024 Associate, starting from week 1 for the chronology.