Ola’s Overall reflection: Grateful and Proud to be a Mortenson Center Associate at UIUC

I cannot believe that my journey at the Mortenson center is coming to an end. Words cannot describe my real emotions and feelings. This journey had been a life-changing one both at the personal and professional levels. Life before Mortenson is and will be different than that after Mortenson. I am proudly now a Mortenson associate and belong to the Mortenson and UIUC family.

This journey was amazing because of wonderful people there. The love and support of Dr Clara Chu, Dr Peggy Nzomo, Dr Barbara Ford and Mrs Amani Ayad are unforgettable and treasured. I cannot thank you enough for everything.

I have also enjoyed meeting and learning from each one of the associates coming from  a different country.

I have been also fortunate to meet Dr Marianna Tax Choldin and her husband in Chicago. This meant a lot to me as without this fellowship and Mortenson’s family donation, I would have never been able to be a Mortenson associate. Dr Choldin told us the story of establishment of Mortenson center and how the passion of helping librarians from outside the US without anything in return was the motive behind the Mortenson center.

Our graduation day is also a memorable day that I will never forget. In addition to the Mortenson Associate certificate that each associate receives after presenting their final project, I was honored and privileged to be chosen by a committee to receive the “Susan Schnuer Associates Leadership Honor” in recognition of my professional leadership capacity. Receiving this award from Mrs Schnuer herself meant a lot to me, especially after hearing about her exemplary accomplishments and achievements. Having the dean congratulating us and several people attending our final presentations added up to the excitement of this special day. Robert’s apples were also unforgettable. This is the day of mixed feelings.

The “Altrusa” dinner is another event that is both memorable and exceptional. I learned from the Altrusa ladies what it means to give without expecting anything in return. Their passion and admiration for librarians are so evident and remarkable. I enjoyed everything from Pat’s story behind “Thanksgiving Day”, Carol’s explanations of the Altrusa activities, the delicious food, and above all Marge Stillwells stories. Marge, our host, taught me that age is just a number, and we can continue to contribute and make a difference even in our 90’s. She is an extraordinary, exceptional, strong, and lovely role model of a woman who believes that knowledge is power and fought to get educated and have now taught thousands of people throughout her life. I cannot wait to read your inspiring book, Marge!!!

Visiting an Amish home and listening to their stories and lifestyles is also another remarkable memory for me. Their values and respect for family relationships are significant and eye-opening. On top of that, even though they don’t have electricity and phones, they do have a library because they value books and education, which makes me respect them a lot and learn from them.

Reflecting on the 4 weeks spent at the Mortenson center at the UIUC, I have learned so much related to my objectives that I had in mind:

  • Leadership, organization and team/project management styles and approaches.
  • Roles of librarians in attaining the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGSs).
  • Innovative and smart technologies, AI applications, virtual and augmented reality, 3D, and library of the future.
  • Makerspaces and flexible learning spaces.
  • Role of librarians as driving forces of social transformation.

This would not have been possible without the great presenters and speakers that were so generous in transforming all they know to us. Thank you, Robert, Belinda, Sandi, Sarah, Anne, Kristen, George, Myung-Ja, Lisa, Jennifer Tepper, Emily, Jennifer Maddox, Megan, Zoe, Linda, Claire, Eric, Ava, Jen-Chien, Amanda, Alyse, Shirley, and Maurice. I would like also to thank Heidi Imker for accepting to interview her.

This journey was also exceptional because of the libraries/centers that we visited outside UIUC: ALA HQ, Arthur Public Library, Abraham Lincoln Library, Illinois State library, Champaign Public Library, OCLC, Chicago Public Library, The Ohio State University Library, Westerville Public Library, University of Chicago Library, Upshot Library and Urbana Free Public Library. Looking at the different services and resources they offer to their communities was so inspirational and moving.  

I feel I am very much empowered with knowledge and information that I can go back stronger to apply or at least share what I have learned. Life before Mortenson is and will be different than that after Mortenson.

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