Reflection on Week 2
Settling in and getting more familiar with fellow associates, program organizers, the campus Town, Newman Hall and the pace of the days’ activities. Lots to learn and do and see.
Strengthening Innovative Library Leaders and Personal Development Plans.
Considering a personal development plan from my professional timeline and perspective it has engendered introspection forcing me to consider how much time there is for me at my institution and how much I can still contribute.
G.R.E.A.T. Service
Explores great customer service as providing excellent service that satisfies or exceeds expectations.
DiSC Assessment
Explores four management styles (Dominant, Influencer, Steady, Conscientious) and guides us to identify that to which we most closely relate while being mindful that we all have all four within us; we can change our behaviour to be successful at work; and we should be open to adapting to others’ style.
Grainger Engineering Library
Center for Innovation in Teaching
Visit to Allerton Park