After waiting 2 years I am finally here – at the Mortenson Center, University of Illinois@ Urbana-Champaign. I say that because I was all set to come in May 2020 (much of the preliminary planning including travel arrangements done), when COVID-19 hit and the ‘world shut down’ in March 2020.
So it is now 2023 and I am here finally and happily…putting faces to those known over the months by name, Clara, Peggy, Uyen and fellow associates, so good to meet everyone in person.
And so began Week 1…carefully prepared presentation (2 slides only!) for my introduction (not knowing if I should be personal or only speak of myself professionally) so went for professional and while I didn’t deliver as hoped (somewhat nervous) I think the message was made.
Then it was time for a tour of the large and beautiful campus followed by a tour of the Main Library led by various welcoming librarians. The 2023 Associates Program of engaging presentations and exciting visits was now underway.

Later there was a meet up with Library Buddies over lunch and the week ended with a delightful welcome dinner.