My journey to the 2023 Mortenson Center Associates Program began in Gaborone, Botswana on the 22nd May 2023. My flight to Urbana-Champaign via Doha, Qatar and Chicago, Illinois.
My arrival on 23rd May 2023 began my experience sadly without my luggage. It was an early start the next morning; Prof Clara Chu (Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor) then proceeded to the Main Library where the Mortenson Center and for our welcome meet and greet session. The associates introduced themselves to give an indication of who they are and what they all about (workplace, country). The Program Advisors, Barbara Ford (Professor Emerita) and Amani Ayad shared with their experiences to enlighten and encourage associates fusing the theme in.
After reviewing the program’s schedule on the first day, it dawned on me that this is a great learning opportunity – the program covers a broad range of topics to engage with, to rethink and shape the future of sustainable libraries.
The next session was a tour of Campus to Green Street/Minerva Statue.

Of great peer to peer engagement each associate gets to be paired with a ‘library buddy’ to engage, exchange and share experiences. The first day lunch was to be spent with the ‘library buddies’ to foster and develop a relationship early on.
Of great awareness was during library assessment session by Jen Chien-Yu. The future of libraries compels leaders to be open to managing innovations and adapting various leadership styles. I particularly enjoyed the discussion on emerging trends for reference services, undergraduate services through outreach, and gaining more understanding of consortia.
Toured the main library (Scholarly Commons, Archives, Special Collections, Orange Room) – by Sarah Christensen

We rounded the week a welcoming dinner at Barbara Ford’s residence. Associates were afforded an opportunity to interact with each other and network with the other library buddies.

The Mortenson Center Associates program is an ideal CPD strategy that affords one an opportunity to explore, connect, learn and grow professionally.