Interview with Janet Cler, Tolono District Public Library Director

There is something very contagious about passion as it has the ability to change the perspective of others. On Thursday, 16 of June, my library buddy, Dominique Arnold connected me via zoom with Janet Cler, a very passionate librarian, and Director of the Tolono Public Library District.

Janet looks to the future when she creates programs for the people of the Tolono District. “We call our patrons by name” an indication of an effective and personal service.

Why should Tolono library be the library of choice for everyone who resides in this area?

The answer is that they choose this unique space because it has taken on the personality of its users.

During our interview, Janet made the following profound statement, “I may be a slow walker, but I don’t walk back”. Janet’s vision is not only about the library of today, but her decisions are based on the future needs of the library patrons.

She is not fussed about formal titles and her status and she has clients who walk into her office to greet her every day when they visit the library. She has made herself and her staff a resource that is readily available to the Tolono library users.

With a chuckle in her voice she said, “I’m not a Library Director, I’m a business person, and I enjoy my job now as much as I enjoyed it when I started 20 years ago.”

Amongst the programs that Tolono Public Library offers, are a few that stood out for me. They match Janet’s passion for people to be placed at the center of her library service. The public can choose from a variety of services and programs that earn them rewards. For example, the ‘Acceleration’ program earns users points if they dare to read a book that you love.

Some of Tolono Library’s fun Programs

Research databases such as EBSCO Host are also available to the public. This research database might be too complex for scholars, so Janet has provided High School learners with their own database with editorial content provided by both EBSCO and Grey House Publishing, H. W. Wilson who maintain a high standard of quality, both online and in print.

Another program is ‘Bake something that looks like a book’. The entries that came flooding in were inspirational and it made users excited about being creative in the library space.

A personal touch

What was most touching for me is Janet’s secret weapon. At the start of the school year, the library drops off a “Treat bag” for all teachers in the School District. The treat bag certainly lives up to its name as it is full of treats for the body, soul, and mind.

Included is a brief flyer about the library and what it can do for the teachers and their learners. A thank you note is included “We appreciate what you do for teaching our children”.

If you are interested in finding out more about events and happenings in the Tolono Library click here.

My reflections about Public Libraries in the United States

My combined experiences of working in public libraries around the United States, such as the Schlow library at State College, PA, the Chicago Public Library, and the Ohio State Library have given me a lot of hope for libraries in my own country, South Africa. It has confirmed for me that we are headed in the right direction when it comes to collaborating with our users and greeting them with smiles, and inviting them in to share our many resources.

I have gained a better understanding regarding communities being at the heart of libraries. I will also leave with a new pair of glasses with a clearer lens as to the possible overlap between public libraries and schools.

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