Reflection 4th week 6/13-6/17 and Final reflection

4th Week started with lectures at the Mortenson Center on how to improve our professional development. We are learning a lot about AI and Machine Learning and discussing how to lead these approaches to library operations, library activities, and professional development.
“Program logic model” and “Training development model” proceed to practice and evaluation. We also understood the need to analyze the internal aspects of human learning: cognitive (leading to intellectual wealth), emotional (leading to attitude), and psychomotor (leading to behavior). All of these factors are led to evaluation.

During the tour of the Grainger Engineering Library, we listened to a lecture on “EASY SEARCH”, the discovery system developed by the University of Illinois Libraries. We also learned about the IDEA Lab in the Grainger Engineering Library, which is positioned as the first place for users to learn about technology. And we learned the implications that this place should be “Library”. This has also been adopted by my university and I was very interested in this class.

?Keio University SFC Fab Campus

The Acquisitions and e-Resources Management lecture, the Undergraduate Research Service lecture, and the Data Management lecture also continued. We also learned service evaluation methods: LibQUAL+, Ithaka S+R, ClimateQUAL, and several others. We were surprised to see that evaluations for library services are being continued ongoing, if not annually, and are organized and published on a website.

?University of Illinois Library
?Keio university Library

Then later in the week, to get to know the Amish Community, we visited an Amish house in person, and we went on a tour of the Arthur Public Library, which is often visited by Amish people. We also visited the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, the Illinois State Library, and the Abraham Lincoln House in Springfield, where we learned about historical events in world history with library materials.

at Grainger Engineering Library

[Lecture, Discussion]
Chai Wai Presentation Introduction
Discussion about Machine Learning
Developing a Professional Development Program
Acquisitions and e-Resources Management
Undergraduate Research Services
Data Management(Assessment: Accountability & Improvement)

[Tour & Workshop]
University of Illinois
the Grainger Engineering Library
EASY Search
the IDEA Lab

Public library & Others
Arthur Public Library
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Illinois State Library
Abraham Lincoln House

Tour of Amish Country Home
It was a great opportunity for us to visit a home of Amish people and learn about their beliefs and daily life. In the small town of Arthur, I bought some Amish quilts as souvenirs.

Final Reflection

I was so happy to have spent time at the Mortenson Center, which has given me the opportunity to change my career. I’m just grateful for the international training program for librarians from all over the world, regardless of types of libraries. I cannot tell how much I was encouraged and inspired by their mindset, hospitality, and librarianship. That taught me to keep challenging, not to be afraid of change, enjoying, and moving forward into the future.

When anyone became a librarian, it might have been the sense of the hopes, the excitement and the minds that initially inspired them. This experience has changed my mind. I was able to participate in this program with the help of many people. I would like to thank them all. Especially, I would like to thank Clara, Barbara, Amani, Katie of the Mortenson Center and all staff of the University of Illinois Libraries. Thank you very very much.

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