Interview with Tracy Tolliver

Interview with my Library Body

I have interviewed Tracy Tolliver few days ago asking her some questions. I picked Tracy because we share a similar IT background, that I can take some of her experience in my carrier in Kuwait University. She presented well-informative answers that could be useful to any work environment.

Tracy Tolliver

I will present the interview questions and answers of these questions:

  1. How can I Incentivize the employees cooperate and collaborate with his colleague?
    1. First, be a good role model. Employees will often model their supervisor’s or leader’s behaviours.  
    2. Second, convey to the person that team work is important, and most often yields the best results, and that you expect everyone to work with their colleagues in a productive manner. [Set expectations.]
    3. Third, provide feedback to the employee. If they are collaborating well and the team or group is yielding good results, let them know. If the employee is not cooperating with his colleagues, talk to them privately and share specific examples with them of any unwanted behaviours. For example, do they ignore emails, do they skip meetings, are they late for work sessions, do they disrespect others?
  1. What are the main concepts of a successful management in the IT field?
    1. Trust, appreciation, transparency. These apply in any setting, not just IT: Be someone people can trust, do not say things that are not true or you cannot follow through with. Share as much information as you can with staff and let them know when you cannot share and why. Treat everyone like professionals. Let employees know that you appreciate their work, their effort, their ideas, etc. Show gratitude and share credit where credit is due.  Do not pass other’s work off as your own.
  1. How to persuade employees to be dedicated in the IT field?
    1. give them worthwhile work to do. Help them see the value they add by the work they do.  When people can see the value they provide, they are more interested in investing their time and energy. Provide a sense of accomplishment. I do realize that not all work is directly connected to high value, however, if you can mix it in with high value work, that will help keep employees interested. Matching the right work with the right people can be important as well.

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