1st Reflection
On my first trip to the USA I was stuck in Dallas Airport for three days and two nights, trying to find a confirmed ticket since I was on a ‘stand by’ list to fly to Champaign. This reminded me of Tom Hanks’s actor in the ‘The Terminal’ movie, which was the longest three days I have ever lived for me to be at the airport.
On Thursday night 26 May 2022, finally I reached my final destination to Champaign. I received a warm welcome from the Mortenson staff. I am very happy that I am an associate of Mortenson.
We have learned different styles of personalities as DISC:
D: a person who is dominant, free of details & looks for results (dominant).
I: a person who is enthusiastic, less talking & think and act (influence).
S: a person who is supportive, creates and delivers the point, a volunteer (steadiness).
C: a person who is accurate, thinks before speak & focuses on relationships (conscientiousness).

We visited the CITL and have several sessions with different staff, an introduction was given by Robert Baird introducing the staff for sessions:
- A session which was given by Cheelan Bolinn about SOLT: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning.
- A session was given by Ava Wolf about active learning, helping campuses to go forward to developing centers.
- A session which was given by David Favre about collaboration & cooperation & Jigsaw (like a puzzle).
- A session was given by MiLind Basole who spoke about E-text.
- We visited the virtual reality (VR) lab and made some souvenirs in the context of VR.