First Week

1st Reflection

On my first trip to the USA I was stuck in Dallas Airport for three days and two nights, trying to find a confirmed ticket since I was on a ‘stand by’ list to fly to Champaign. This reminded me of Tom Hanks’s actor in the ‘The Terminal’ movie, which was the longest three days I have ever lived for me to be at the airport.

On Thursday night 26 May 2022, finally I reached my final destination to Champaign. I received a warm welcome from the Mortenson staff. I am very happy that I am an associate of Mortenson.

We have learned different styles of personalities as DISC:

D: a person who is dominant, free of details & looks for results (dominant).

I: a person who is enthusiastic, less talking & think and act (influence).

S: a person who is supportive, creates and delivers the point, a volunteer (steadiness).

C: a person who is accurate, thinks before speak & focuses on relationships (conscientiousness).

Instructor Studio in the CITL

We visited the CITL and have several sessions with different staff, an introduction was given by Robert Baird introducing the staff for sessions:

  • A session which was given by Cheelan Bolinn about SOLT: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning.
  • A session was given by Ava Wolf about active learning, helping campuses to go forward to developing centers.
  • A session which was given by David Favre about collaboration & cooperation & Jigsaw (like a puzzle).
  • A session was given by MiLind Basole who spoke about E-text.
  • We visited the virtual reality (VR) lab and made some souvenirs in the context of VR.
VR Lab

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