“Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.”
Walter Savage Landor
(1775-1864. English writer and poet)
Despite the challenges I faced during my trip from Oman to the United States of America, after stopping for two days and being late for the program due to climatic conditions, they did not deter me from moving forward and trying to catch up on what I missed. Knowledge must be sought in various ways.
1st week program Reflection: Change/Disc Management and innovation
The Objective:
- Knowing your personality through a modern model
- Understand other people to drive the performance
- Leading by your style (disc management 4 styles)
- Successful Teamwork
- The change and transition and how to adapt yourself for any changing.
- How to design your classroom
- Active learning
Part 1: – Summary and outcomes change and disc management
There may be a prevalent belief that leaders belong to a certain type of styles, and this is actually and theoretically a completely wrong belief, as it is possible for any type of personality to have the ability to lead if the enablers are available.
” To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”
Tony Robbins
And this could be applied not only for a communication skill but for leadership and the way we move forward.
Shirly N. Stelbrink have gave a detailed explanation about the leadership style over 2 days.
In this seminar with Shirly, we learn deeply how to see ourselves through a practical step using disc management.
Through this technique we achieve the following:
- I can understand myself better and how I become more effective when I work with others.
- Learn other people’s styles support me to understand their priorities and the way we deal with.
- I’m valuable with any styles and leader by nature.
- I’m able to improve the quality of my workplace.
“Progress is a nice word. But changes is its motivator; And change has its enemies”
Robert F. Kennedy
Change is happened for us or for others it depends in how to deal and adapt with those changes.We have learned from Shirly in this session specific methods for identifying the impact of workplace change and all the 7 points that lead to change and the three steps of transition and their detail steps.She focused on the Neutral zone which is one of the transition steps and how that help to considering perspective, learning how to win, ask the right questions and prepare myself.
Part 2: – Summary and outcomes for Center of Innovation in Teaching &Learning
We learned from the tour and sessions on the CITL that Innovation is not limited to applied sciences only, but also to the creation of modern and innovative concepts that contribute to creating a different environment for the educational process.
CITL have bring all the methodologies and technology in one place to support all higher education instructors within classrooms physically and virtually.
It was a great opportunity to see this center and their great works from the learning theoretical approaches to the maker space and all technology within this lab.
overall outcomes:
- It’s important to know yourself and others.
- Teamworking
- You must adapt to the change
- Active learning and improve your classroom (libraries could support this)
- Makerspace in libraries make a big deference for our End-users.
- Transition process and steps.