Vuyokazi Jamieson’s Reflections – Week 1

I have had the pleasure of meeting the Mortenson Center staff 3 weeks before the Associates program resumed. Week one was characterized by welcoming fellow Associates into the Newman Residence. We were all so excited to be finally together.

An important component of the Associates Program is the Library buddies who act as our host for the duration of the program. This opens up other opportunities and connections with meeting other key stakeholders that are important in the development of our projects. Our lunch meeting with them was enjoyable.

Attending Everything DISC and unpacking our leadership styles really helped us to understand each other. This was an important component of the program in week one. Understanding teams and learning ways of interacting with different characters was a great way of bonding as a group.

Change management was at the heart of the game as this session helped to contextualize things for us.

After a heavy week of content and getting to know each other, it was nice to end the weekend with a welcome dinner, a visit to the Market and a cinema outing as a group watching Topgun!

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