Did you Know?

Did you know what is ‘AMISH’

Our last day of 3rd week was planned for a visit to Arthur where a community ‘AMISH’ Lives.

We had to visit three type of places here; a. A Rural Library, b. Amish Country Home & c. Tuscola Outlet Mall.

So my curiosity was to know and see about Amish community so I started to search net about some information about them. So according to Encyclopedia Britannica, AMISH, also called AMISH Mennonite, member of Christian Group in North America, primarily the Old Ordered Amish Mennonite Church. The Church Originated in the late 17th Century among followers of Jakob Ammann. Details here Amish Community   .

This community is known for simple living, plain dresses and reluctant to adopt modern technological tools including internet. When we reached there we sensed the simplicity everywhere. however our first destination was the Arthur Public Library, a simple but vibrant library with a dynamic library director, Kelsey Pruitt who welcomed us at library entrance and took us to show every corner of the library with plenty of resources from children literature to adult ones. The library is also equipped with computers and wi-fi. upon our inquiry she told us that AMISH community is a unique community but they are also people just like us so what ever is written in books is not reflecting upon what they really are. yes they are reluctant to use modern technologies but at the same time there are some people who do their business by using library computers, etc. I may not describe well everything here as I heard therefor I would recommend you to do your own research about AMISH community.

For the use of library computers, library is taking an undertaking from the parent to allow their children.

Amish country home was really a true example of simplicity, the owner of the house briefed us about their culture and daily life. Being in USA and seeing such a different environment with out electricity and other technological tools was a surprise indeed. We visited another County Home and had a delicious lunch there. We ended up with some shopping at Tuscola Outlet Mall. I mean, ‘Some’ by me and ‘A lot’ by others.  Saturday and Sunday was supposed to be a free day but Blogging and Action Plans took these days away as well. So here you go, we have 2 more days to go.

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