Public Libraries

Public libraries offer services to the whole community. We got the chance to visit 4 public libraries in USA; Chicago Public Library, Little Italy Public Library (a branch of CPL), Westerville Public Library Ohio, and Arthur Public Library.

Different types of programs are designed and categorized according to audience, age groups, topics, a d languages; for example the Chicago Public Library’s webpage uses the following categories:

Crafts, Games and Play (2377) Celebrations (72) Kids (1234) English (2375)
Summer Learning Challenge (1417) Business, Law and Money (37) Tweens (788) Español (150)
Art, Movies and Performances (874) YOUmedia (30) Teens (623) ?? (2)
DIY (439) Author Events (21) Families (554)  
Teen Summer Challenge (438) Disability Awareness(11) Preschoolers (543)  
Computers and Technology (432) Maker Lab (4) Toddlers (430)  
Health and Science(472) Book Sales (3) Babies (335)  
Book Clubs (400) Women’s History (1) Adults (262)  
Continuing Education and College (243) Science Connections(1) All Ages (96)  
    Seniors (4)  

Different spaces are designed accordingly, with flexibility to redesign the space for future events or future needs.

Summer programs are major events of all public libraries. Different activities are designed for school kids, teens and children during summer holiday.

Public libraries programs and services reach all ages and take place in different places, without space limitations.

Librarians holds a professional high degree (MLIS), which enables them to deliver services with high profeciency with coordination with professionals from different fields according to activity’s type.

Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.” 
Sidney Sheldon

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