The Last Days

The last days of activities of the Mortenson program were very intense, with many activities and new knowledge with the need to overcome barriers.
To know iSchool where the surveys are directed to several areas of Information Science, to perceive what is different from Brazil, because there we have a specific graduation course for the professional training of the librarian.

Another situation is to perceive the progress in terms of acquisitions of electronic materials and electronic cataloging in general. Situations sometimes similar and sometimes so distant, since the rules for the use of electronic material, despite the fact that the suppliers are the same, change according to the country or individual or consortium negotiations.

And the most anticipated day and with the highest level of anxiety was that of the presentation “Chai Wai”, because despite being a teacher I am aware that my English is bad (very bad), then present my institution and what has been done to To get back, the strong was not very easy.

Knowing the Altrusa group was a relief after the presentation, people involved with knowledge and ready to collaborate.

Finishing with an action plan is somewhat challenging, since currently I do not hold a management position in my university, but as I coordinate some projects with the collaboration of other professionals, I am on this path with my plan.

We combined a dinner for Monday, since the last weekend would be devoted to the activities of the Program, I will be the cook and I hope to please the palate of the colleagues.

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