Discoveries and impressions

It was very important to discover the Everything DiSC Workplace. The DiSC, the report made me understand how is my personal performance in the work environment, priorities and preference, making me understand the possibilities in working with other people who have priorities and different from mine.

The DISC really saw my behavior:

Because you have an i style, Monica, you probably thrive on relating to other
people. You tend to have an extensive network of friends and colleagues,
and you may view a roomful of strangers as a fun opportunity to connect.

Because you’re optimistic and enthusiastic, you may find it easy to get
people excited about your goals and ideas. When you speak, you’re likely to
promote your opinions with passion and wholeheartedness. You may find
that many people find your enthusiasm contagious. However, those who are
more skeptical may feel that you are overly optimistic and are trying to sell
them on emotion.

Because you have an i style, Monica, you probably thrive on relating to other
people. You tend to have an extensive network of friends and colleagues,
and you may view a roomful of strangers as a fun opportunity to connect.

People with the i style like excitement and fast movement. Most likely, you’re energized by innovative,
groundbreaking solutions, and you’re eager to hit the ground running. In fact, your rapid pace might be too much for
others, and rather than slowing down to meet their needs, you may encourage them to keep up with you. Your
willingness to take quick action can help the group move forward.

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