Did you know about ‘Mecca for Scholars’? Here you go…

3rd and 4th June were dedicated to ‘Everything DISC’ workshop, Change management and Research.

Around 6:00 am on June 5, 2019 we left Champaign for Chicago and around 9 we checked in to Club Quarters Hotel at Chicago. after dropping out bags we rushed to University of Chicago, upon reaching there Clara told us that we are well before time so we can look around and observe the campus and its surrounding to get a sense of it. The first noticeable thing we saw there was a student’s protest about their demands. at first we thought that they are celebrating something or they are making some preparations of any program but then we noticed that they were holding some play cards and chanting some slogans, there we figured it out that it was a protest. Alas what a polite protest! I reflected on it that if we have had this kind of protest back in my country it will not make any difference because with out burning something and pelting stones a protest cannot be considered a protest.

Anyway after having a nice round of the campus courtyards we were welcomed by the staff of Regenstein and Joe & Rika Mansueto Libraries. The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library is actually called “MECCA FOR SCHOLARS” and that is true. its high density storage and its robotic circulation system is really impressive, the architecture of the building for quite study with sun light and its 50′ underground shelving system is one of its kind. The software, the hardware, the installation and execution of the work is a real example of hard-work, commitment and rigor. in short its “strategic, sustainable and smart”. A Mecca for Scholars: The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library 

CPL-for blog post

Our next stop was John Crerar Library, we again found this library an example of transformation and the use of space for collaborative work, quite study and multipurpose usage is superb. Ceclia Smith gave us a detail presentation on GIS hub and MADD Center. she also share informative links about map creation and usage.

we concluded our day with a nice group dinner at Nando’s.

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