Final Reflection about the Mortenson Center Associate Program

by Ginnette Calvo

My journey in the 2018 Mortenson Center Associate Program started with the DiSC Workshop.

This DiSC workshop allowed me to know the characteristics related to my “C” style Conscientiousness. For example, I learned that I put a lot of attention to quality and accuracy, also I realized that I was using my strengths too much, and I need to start using the other styles (Dominance, Influence and Steadiness) more.

Therefore, DiSC workshop prepared me to knowing myself, in order to:

  • Challenge me to come out of my comfort zone
  • Develop strategic and adaptive thinking
  • Think outside the box

The goals that I wanted to achieve with the program are:

  1. Develop skills in leadership, innovation and communication.
  2. Learn about innovative services and trends in libraries.
  3. Learn and share with other professionals from different fields of librarianship
  4. Learn how to take advantage of professional networks.

Through the 2018 Mortenson Center Associate Program I was able to achieve all of this.

In addition to the workshops, I also had the opportunity to visit different libraries, which allowed me to see wonderful places, but above all it allowed me to meet remarkable librarians and observe how they do their work, which gives me a clear vision of the value and evolution of our profession.

On the other hand, I had the opportunity to share with many people, my fellow associates, Library Buddies, the staff of the Mortenson Center, the librarians and the staff of the different institutions that we visited. Of the things that I liked most was being able to know his life experience and observe his passion in his profession.

I learned about the diversity of topics with which innovative services are developed, among which the following stand out:

  • Librarians as Global Leaders
  • Librarians as trend trackers
  • Market Intelligence
  • LibGuides
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Strengthening Innovative Library Leaders (SILL)
  • Maker Spaces


  • This program allowed me to learn about leadership through interaction with great librarian leaders, we have been able to observe how they act and how they face challenges in their work.
  • Leadership implies a lot of communication and collaboration to achieve the goals.
  • Librarians need to be leaders in the communities, we have a lot to contribute and we can make a difference.


  • Innovation is about the resolution of the users problems, taking advantage in the best way the resources at our reach.
  • It takes time to analyze and define the problem, before thinking about the solutions.
  • The solutions must be systematic.


Communication is the key for everything, is essential to understand the needs of users, to work as a team, to collaborate and to develop the goals.

Another learnings:

    • A good mentality is important because the change must be from the inside.
    • A good attitude is important for the change to be sincere.
    • Every new project, service or funding request, requires a good research and a good proposal.
    • To satisfy the users needs, we have to be part of the community, you have to get involved.
    • Collaboration is the key to success in our work.

I am excited to put into practice and share what I learned in the Mortenson Center Associates Program in Costa Rica, thank you very much for this experience!

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