by Ginnette Calvo
American Library Association
American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest library association in the world, the ALA mission is:
“to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all” (ALA, 2018, parr. 2).
Source: American Library Association [ALA] . (2018). About ALA [Website]. Retrieved from
On Thursday, May 31, 2018 I have the opportunity to visit ALA, the next ALA principles caught my attention:
- They focus a lot on empowering librarians about their importance (Professional & Leadership Development)
- Share, free resources accessible to librarians
- Equity, services for all
- Ethnic diversity
The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) is a Division of the ALA, through this initiative ALA provide different tools to librarians related with leadership development and guide in sustainable and socially responsible management, example of this are the LLAMA’s 14 Foundational Competencies.
OCLC is a global library cooperative, It was created from the idea of share. To join OCLC you have to collaborate.
On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 I have the opportunity to visit OCLC, the next OCLC principles caught my attention:
- “Because what is know must be shared”
- “Together we make breakthroughs is possible”
Importance of ALA and OCLC
- Access to resources
- Professional updating
- Opportunity to develop professional networks
- Opportunity to collaborate
Both ALA and OCLC teach us that the most important thing is not the building or resources, it is commitment and passion when we help each others and the users.