TechHub Visit & Experimentation

Center for Innovation, Teaching and Learning

CITL Innovation Spaces

Learnt a lot about new technologies today while on tour of the TechHub facility!

This space housed a variety of innovative and creative technology, that can transform both formal and informal learning. Providing the opportunities for producing research at a much faster pace while allowing time for friends and families.

Technology we learnt about include :

360 photo; once you click on the photo making it full screen image should appear as a 360 image that you can move around with your mouse;

HP Reveal/Augmented Reality good for ILS and Android;

Lithophane maker : turns a photo into a 3D printed image that show up when backlit

Tinkercad : easy design program to create your printable models

3D Scanner : Takes a picture of everything, does videos, and its a easy way to place people into virtual reality

These program will be exciting to access and try out when I get back to UWI, Mona Library!

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