The most impressed activity in the third week was SILL workshop, so I will talk about it as my third reflection.
SILL(Strengthening Innovative Library Leaders) is the training program for librarians which was developed at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs. The training is divided into four sections (Leadership, Innovation, Planning and Communication). Amazingly, as the manuals and tutorials of this program are provided on the Web, people all over the world can recreate the training while in their country. Basically, it is two-day program, but we decided to focus on “Innovation” and “Planning” only due to the schedule.
The workshop divided 10 Associates into 2 groups, and representatives made presentations after the discussion within the group. In the Innovation section, we discussed about the problems which occurred in the library as examples and discussed about the problems, solutions and plans. At the end of the section, we made our innovation for each problem. In the Planning section, we devised “S.M.A.R.T goals” which took note of the four points “Specific” “Measurable” “Achievable” “Relevant” and “Time-bound” for each subject which we made in the Innovation section.
Since this workshop was a group work activity, we had a lot of opportunities to discuss with other associates. Because the associates were experienced librarians for each specific field, sometimes our opinions collided with others, but it also became an opportunity to reconfirm the importance of respecting other opinions in the discussion.