Third-week Reflection

The third week was more specialized in leadership, management, collaboration, partnerships and budget creation and presentation. In the first day, we visited the school of information science (I school of Illinois). We met Linda (Associate Dean for Academic Programs and professor) and she talked about the degree programs in the school of Information science. Then Terry (Associate professor) discussed the International activities at I school.


After that, we met preservation and conservation department team. This team was a great example of (team building) I saw the harmony between the staff and how the leader shared the department vision by using strong communication skills to improve the work outcomes. Also, as a member of Omani national repository the tour of preservation lap was inspire me to get more ideas that support our project such as digital and media preservation.

On the second day, we visited Indianapolis central library. Our guide was Mike Williams the Manager of the Library. During the tour we explored the most important sections in the library for example:

  • Simon Reading Room
  • Tinker Station: This service helps the user to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone, as well as search and download materials from the Library’s extensive collection of eBooks, audiobooks and digital music. It is a good example of how library marketing the E-collections without allocating a large budget for it.
  • Center for Black Literature & Culture (CBLC)
  • Learning Curve: is a high tech, high energy, hands-on information environment designed for today’s children. And its include many sections as follow:

This visit added a lot to my professional knowledge. The direct contact with the library staff helped me exchange ideas, areas of interest with them. They presented a number of different topics in public libraries for example Digitization, Community Engagement Team, Best Practices in Early Digital Technology, Interactive Technology for Kids, Adult Digital Journey, Google & Libraries and Digital Indy.

In addition, the library staff shared their creative thoughts on most trending topics on information field such as Community Engagement, Partnership, & Promotion. Also, they were shared us their experience in marketing and they being global.

Nowadays, technology plays the main role in classroom and education. In this regards, I really benefited from Susan Avery presentation, which was about using the (Clickers) technology (Classroom Response Systems) in the classroom. I think its clever tool that helps the educator to maintain students’ attention during a lecture and promoting active student engagement during a lecture.

I used (poll everywhere) application (live interactive audience participation). This application aims to transform one-sided presentations into two-way conversations with the audience.

Also in this week we learned various tools and techniques in library assessment and GIS. The GIS workshop encourages me to think how can I use it in Main library at SQU in order to support education and research.


The last day of the week was more productive and fun. We learn leadership skills on creative way through SILL workshop.



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