Libguides/Endangered Archives programme

The workshop facilitated by Laila H Moustafa introduced us to LibGuides. These are great for showcasing library resources for specific subjects and courses, and for embedding them into courseware. With E-Reserves to boot, integration has never been easier.

With so much stuff out there, students don’t know where to start. Create helpful LibGuides, build-self paced LibWizard tutorials & assessments, and use LibAnswers to answer students’ questions via chat, sms, Facebook, Twitter, or email.

As soon as I get home, I will start creating one for my students. this is an aspect of the Marketing and advocacy of the LLMA competence

Endagered Archives programmes

It is important to have a disaster management plan and everyone in the Library should know about it. If you dont have money, there are some org that can give money to digitize but it should be open access.  One of the funders for preservation is called Endagered Archives Programme. The facilitator gave tips on how to write for the grant to preserve or digitize endangered materials in the Library. Unza has a collection of audio tapes of folk law recording that need to be digitized in order to be preserved. I plan to explore this possiblity and see how our staff in the special collections can apply for the grant. It was interesting to learn that they can fund individuals as well.

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