Mortenson International Program- the ultimate experience!!!


This was an excellent , thought provoking, inspiring, motivational and educational experience for me. I am definately not leaving the same way I came! I have been empowered to do so much more in my job.  My head is buzzing with ideas and my pores are oozing with activities that I would like to implement at my library.

I am humbled to have been a part of the 2017 Mortenson Associates.  It was a pleasure spending time with all of these beautiful people and learning more about their countries and cultures.  we have all added to our network of librarians all over the world. I was happy with the synergy of the group and I believe we jelled well together.

I owe a wealth of gratitude to the team at the Mortenson Center: Clara, Susan, Rebecca and Emily who became mothers and sisters and ensured that myself and my colleagues were comfortable.  I had high and low periods and sometimes became homesick but was cognizant that the program was vital to my professional development.

The diverse sessions and workshops on DISC Communication styles, Information Literacy, Grant Writing, Collection Development, Marketing and Advocacy, Customer Service using the FISH Philosophy, Story Mapping, Copyright and Fair Use among others all helped to enlighten and add to my personal growth as a Librarian.  The highlight of my experience was doing the DISC test and then attending the DISC Communication workshop and learning more about my iD style.  There was some hesitation when I discovered that I was this style.  However, many of the characteristics reflect my personality.  In my shading, it was discovered that I dip halfway into other styles: C& S; so I believe it depends on my environment and my adaption when needed.  This tool will certainly aid me in adjusting my style and understanding my co-workers in order to facilitate a more harmonious work environment.

I enjoyed the balance made with the tours and this gave insight into the varied types of libraries. It was lovely to see the myriad of services been offered to communities and the participation of the librarians in meeting the changing needs of their users.

This has been the epitome of my career as a librarian.  I am extremely happy to have been able to partake in this ultimate experience! I will encourage my colleagues to pursue the program. I thank my university for providing partial sponsorship in order for me to be associated with the Mortenson Center.  Cost is the biggest deterrent to this program but it was worth every penny! Thanks and kudos to the Mortenson staff!

To the 2017 Mortenson Associates, WE DID IT!!! HOORAY!!! Borrowing from a favorite Jamaican expression: Walk good my friends!!

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