Finally, this is the last week of the 2017 Mortenson Center Associates in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I will never forget this amazing and thankful experience.
I recall the first day when I arrived this town at Willard Airport, there was a lady who has the placard which indicate the name of “Hyerin Kim”. She was so kind and welcome me by her big smile and made me comfortable. She was Rebecca. She took me to the dormitory and that was around the 3 pm. I need some cereal and yogurt for the dinner so she took me to the County Market. But there was a problem. I cannot choose the food because American have tons of kinds of the cereal, yogurt and sauce for salad!! I could realize that I arrived the super diversity country in the world! Rebecca patiently keep explain me what is the taste of this and that and she waited until I finished the tour of the Market! (I was really thankful that she also bought something she needed:)) That was the first step to be a “champaigner”
Every class of the 2017 Associates Program was perfect and I really satisfy with the schedule of this whole program. Like this program’s title, “Librarians as Global Leaders : Sustainable Development”, it was wonderful course not only in the classroom but also out of the Champaign. We could have cultural experiences such as meeting the Amish people, going to the dinner home party at Barbara and Sara’s house, touring the Chicago, having the Thanksgiving dinner with Altrusa, going to Lincoln Museum, Museum of Science and Industry and having a Graduation Dinner at home of Susan and Richard?.
Also we can meet the great librarian at the field.
Don Barlow who was one of the great executive librarian working for the Westerville Public Library. He taught me a lot by his real efforts for the patron. He definitely changed my mind for the patron and gave me another insight for the future library. Nancy Lensenmayer of the OCLC program director, who was really passionate about the career in OCLC. Sara Benson, assistant professor & copyright librarian, who talked about the Fair Use in the library. Lynn Wiley, associate professor and head of Acquisitions in the University of Illinois Library, who has a pretty smile and show us the whole acquisition process. Gretchen Webb who was in charge of the something different library, Idenberry Residence Hall Library.
Of course, I can’t tell you except these below workshops.
DISC Communications Workshop with Shirley Stelbrink who was warm and nice woman I’ve ever seen. Jan Ison, Who changed our mind for the WORK which is really important in my life by the FISH Philosophy! It was a incredible class. Oak Street Library Facility tour with Andrew Cougill, even if the cold cold environment, he was one of the best guide. Information Literacy with Lisa Hinchliffe who was really passionate about her work and education. Digitization of collections with Alyce Scott who was enthusiastic of the digitize and encourage us a lot. Assessment in Libraries with Jen-Chien Yu who was charm and gave a chance to work by ourselves. Marketing and Advocacy with Claudia Servanuta who talked about her experience and it helps to think about the marketing by her real examples. Central Access Services Tour with Cherie Weible who show the shelving before the chai wai presentation. Story maps with James Whitacre who show us a great method for the storytelling.
And the blog post workshop with Clara Chu! Actually, there are lots of blogs in Korea and the National Library of Korea also has one, so I didn’t expect the new things for the blog. But this workshop was so helpful to create another form of the blog and this associate’s assignment can give a chance to memorize and organize my thoughts from the other workshop and field trip. I fell in love with this blog which can make another new version of the National Library of Korea’s. I really want to create NLK’s blog someday.
The Strengthening Innovative Library Leaders Modules(SILL Module) was one of the my best workshop. Before I took this class, I was justify the patron and criticized them. But I need to change my mindset and I can try to think the patron who has the needs. I really want to do and talk with the Action Plan when I get back to South Korea. It change my life and mind! I really thankful and grateful to Susan and Rebecca. I am sure that they are the best teacher ever! Also Susan and I went to the Chicago’s number 1 Jazz Bar, Andy’s! It was real Jazz Bar! Susan probably went there several times and she might be little bit tired, but she take a tour with me and Scholar making us a great and happy memory.
Emily who organize whole things for our associates and give a great guide for packing and preparing stuffs, she was really delicate and careful person. And I love her voice! 🙂
Lastly my library friend William Schlaack who is working for the Preservation Lab, he is really incredible person. He was a warm and friendly person I’ve ever seen! He taught me the American’s diversity life and made me comfortable although my English was not that good. He tried to be a real friend for me with the sharing his time and gave another advice and made the connect for my interest with M.J. Han. I’m sure he is the passionate and nice person!
I will never, ever forget this amazing experience in the Champaign. I learned many things to be the library leader thanks to this program. When I go back to Korea, It will be hard to change our work atmosphere in an instance but my tries can make a small change and i’m sure that makes another big changes!
Thank you Mortenson Center! and my all associates from the 7 countries! I wish you luck!