Grant Writing in Libraries- an avenue for funding in harsh economic times

This workshop was very rewarding for me.  Grant writing is an excellent method for third world country libraries like mine to tap into valuable resources.  We will have to start thinking seriously of doing more to assist in carrying out our programming etc. to aid in our libraries providing SDG#4, Quality Education for all.

The resources looked at in this session were very useful.  The websites visited were a wealth of information.  I would have liked if we had access to the subscribed content if even for a trial period. Time constraints prevented me from going back to look at some of the foundations on the subscribed material. It would have been the icing on the cake, if we had enough time to do an actual proposal.  This would have helped me in cementing the concepts learned.

I will undoubtedly try to make use of grant writing in my projects ahead.

Image courtesy of: http://www.


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