My overall experience at Mortenson Center 2017


In fact, I can say after the end of this program that it was a truly amazing experience. I can’t believe how much of information, skills, knowledge and professional relationships we got during this month. I really hope to see a number of my colleagues join this program or other similar programs. I can mention the most important impressions of the program in general.

  • Knowledge:

The program included a large number of lectures and workshops. Some of them have a direct relationship to our work in libraries and some have an indirect relationship, but certainly affects to our work in libraries, which supports the relationship of our profession and others.

  • Skills:

I think that the skills of team-working  and accepting the others one of the most important skills developed by international programs like this program , which is reflected on the work environment and work as well.

  • Networking:

During this program, I established a large number of professional relationships, with the library professionals and the libraries managers or even with my colleagues in the program (7 different countries).

  • Visiting:

The different visiting we conducted in Champaign, Ohio and Chicago helped us to meet a number of leaders in the libraries field in the United States and briefed us on the experiences of these libraries and the most important services they provide.

  • Social events:

Social events have contributed to the familiarity of the American life style and we have known many traditions as well.

Overall, I find myself very lucky to attend this program which will leave a great impact on my career. I would like to thank the Naseej Academy company for supporting me to be here. also, I want to thank all Mortenson Center employees (Clara M. Chu, Susan Schnuer, Rebecca McGuire and Emily E. Kasak) for their interest in the success of the program and the participants.

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