Daniela’s Experience as a 2017 Mortenson Associate

This is the best experience I have ever been in. I can’t believe how fast it ended up. “Building Sustainable Libraries” program has given me the opportunity to meet, to know, to learn, to have fun and to enjoy the meaning of being a librarian.

All the experiences I faced in this past month confirmed why I choose to be a librarian and the passion for making accessible information for users ensuring lifelong education and sustainable development.

My main goal throughout this program was to learn more about leadership, communication, networking, innovation and library advocacy, and I can  guarantee you that I learned a lot of ideas to put on practice in Costa Rica. And I won’t tell you what I exactly learned because taking a program like this is a must do in every person’s life, but what I can tell you is that you are a leader no matter your type of personality or background, also, that we can have fun at the library, we will always by a library advocate, that change is inevitable but growth is a decision and always to dare to dream big without the fearing the mistakes.

Also, it has been a pleasure to share this last weeks with the 2017 Mortenson Associates.


To share 4 weeks with people all over the world it’s the most amazing thing ever, you get to learn a lot about their culture and about what they do as librarians. Thank you Yolanda, Scholar, Juhee, Hyerin, Lallaii, Vinita, Abeer and Waleed for all the memories! I’ll will always remember and pray for you all!

I want to thank the Mortenson Center for accepting me in the program. I can ensure you that my brain in full of information and I just can’t wait to get to Costa Rica and show everyone the ideas and the knowledge I learned. And thank you Susan Schnuer, Clara Chu, Rebecca McGuire and Emily Kasak for all your hard work, you all are amazing people.


So as to my dear library friend Treasa who is an amazing person, even though we didn’t had to a opportunity to hang out as much as a I could’ve like to, I really enjoyed meeting you and sharing with you.

One comment

  1. So happy to see this new young Costa Rican library generation to grow professionally and have this wonderful experience! Thanks Monterson Center for your great contribution to the Costa Rican professional and students librarians!!!

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