Upshot Marketing Library

This week, I’ll talk about the experience of the Associates of Mortenson Center, in the city of Chicago at the Upshot Marketing Library, I’m going to compare that trip with the workshop on marketing and advocacy.

Clearly Liz Aviles, is an expert in the field of marketing, as she has several years working in this area, however, she as a librarian, must take into account what your users or their companies need.

She said an important fact, you’ve to know what are the strengths, weaknesses and skills to be able to help them and satisfy the fields their own users/customers need.

In the brief time we were sharing with Liz, she mentioned something, that all of us in our labor fields must think what is going to happen next, what are the trends that will make me gain more users.

According to the workshop given by Rebecca McGuire and Claudia Serbanuta, they mentioned that when one thinks about the activities, projects or services for our library, we must ask ourselves the question when I want the project, is to work today or to work in the next 10 years?


When we were in this Upshot library, we saw that the library wasn’t the typical traditional library. It didn’t have a catalog that showed their books, and inclusive, the equipment of these were different; because this specific library is in charge of all the marketing from digital and social environments of its users/customers.

In our libraries, how often do we propose action plans and do the whole process of observing the challenges that these plans present, or how often do we evaluate our target population to see if the new service will really improve our audience; and lastly when we’ve done our plans, we motivate our users to use the new services.

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