Would you have imagined a large library like this one?
Incredible, right.
Well, I would say that the trip to the big city of Chicago left us all with great expectations for an upcoming visit to the public library, called the Harold Washington Library.
The library has 9 different floors, each focused on its users. The Chicago community should be happy and content to have a space that contains books, videos, music spaces, languages, history and also makerspaces.
The library provides innovative services; technologies and tools so that its users can reach their informational needs.
If we speak in terms of sustainable development goals, we can clearly identify four of them; they’re: 1 end poverty in all forms everywhere, 4 ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, 5 achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and 8 promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
I chose those objectives because the library supports its users by providing access to information and resources to take advantage of these spaces for education or by providing opportunities for users to improve their lives. Another interesting point is that here there is equipment, material and layout for users to detect learning tools to find their information and be successful.
In this library exist something that caught my attention, and I really enjoyed, was the lot of quotations on their walls, they’re a great way to make users day.