Upshot Marketing Library

There have been many changes in all fields of life, including libraries and information field, which in recent years have undergone rapid changes as a result of the radical change in the global standards in dealing with information in terms of methods, techniques for processing, storing, retrieving and transmitting the results of modern technological developments in the information society. As a result, the development of the skills of librarians and information specialists has become increasingly important.


On our trip to Chicago, we visited Upshot Marketing Library and it was a great opportunity to meet Liz Aviles, who is currently Vice President, Market Intelligence. A good thing about this visit is that we know how to work in one of the different work environments that are totally different from working in the public library environment or academic libraries. Working in an advertising marketing environment is quite different as it requires a greater effort to emphasize the importance and value of the library in the work environment.


This visit confirmed to us that the information specialist / librarian must adapt to the work environment that he/ she finds and tries to prove his/ her worth working through the effort to achieve the success of the institution that works in it, whether educational or private institution or even an advertising agency.



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