Tour of the Library

Academic library and special library are two different libraries with their specialized services. This is as a result of the kind of users they serve, a tour of the University of Illinois Library resources and Upshot marketing library is a clear example.  On the 7th of June the Associates had a tour of the library resources to explore the services rendered to library users. During the tour we went round two key areas of the library;  Acquisition section, Undergraduate library.  In the Undergraduate library we saw the exhibition displayed for new students on showing the services available for them and the staff responsible. For me I see this as specialized service; users getting to know their librarian, we had a one on one interactions with them.


In the acquisition section, we saw what happens behind the scene; how library materials are acquired and processed before they get to the library users. The most interesting aspect is the use of subject librarians in processing library resources,  this is the core of librarianship and with this practice the materials will be well cataloged and users will have prompt access to these resources.

The Upshot marketing library, a special library differs from academic library in its service delivery, the librarian uses the materials available and the knowledge of librarianship to market the services and project the relevance of  librarianship as a profession. In Upshot it is more like dealing with companies and business people, packaging  information for them in the format that suits them and their services. this category of users does not have time to visit the library and does not know where to search for the information they need. The librarian uses her expertise in working with them.

I looked at these two libraries together to draw out some of the important features academic librarians can also add to their service delivery. Marketing and advocacy are two things librarians should be involved irrespective of the type of libraries they work in.

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