Chicago public library – YOUmedia

The Chicago Public Library is one of the largest public libraries in the United States. We visited the library on our recent trip to Chicago and learned about the most important services provided by the library. I will mention one of the library’s sections, which was one of the most amazing sections for me:


I consider that this section is one of the most important sections that impressed me in the library as this section is an open section for all teenagers to practice hobbies and play and meet friends and also to follow their school and to get help in solving their homework. So, yes in this section of the library you can do what you want, I am exaggerating that I said that this section will be considered the most beloved sections by teenagers.


In other words, YOUmedia is a library, studio and drawing studio specially designed for teenagers. Teenagers can practice their hobbies, such as photography, drawing, design, and 3D printing with the help of some specialists.

Youmedia offers many services including:

  • Photography
  • Design
  • 3D printing
  • Sound Studio
  • Video Games
  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Photo Gallery
  • Books
  • Theater for playing
  • Handicrafts

It is interesting to note that the Chicago Public Library has known how to attract teenagers and make an open place to innovate. This is exactly what we need in our libraries to make it a favorite place for teenagers. The teenager’s habit of visiting the library makes him grow up as a permanent friend of the library. The library’s message in the community makes it close to all ages.

In fact, connect public libraries to the teenagers is one of the things I hope to get in the public libraries in the Arab world because it is my observation that visitors to our public libraries are only from students and for the purpose of study, as there are no spaces for teenagers working to connect them to the library since childhood.


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