Upshot Marketing Library

On our tour to Chicago, our first visit was the Upshot Marketing Library. This library is a very particular library since is a corporate library working for the marketing agency in charge of the librarian Liz Aviles. The librarian position is the vice-president of market intelligence.

Since it’s not a common library with the usual services, it is presented a special library and as a hybrid since it adapted to the needs of the company, like the Liz the librarian said “a zig-zag”. But it isn’t a easy job because the agencies are volatile, so they need to adjust to people and know the users. The users are know as brands, companies or agencies.

The main work is to attract and try to get new clients and agencies, and to focus in new business. This is a hard task since they need to know really well the agencies and make them feel like they are important and that they need you, so one of the services is thought leadership, or as she called it the extra-love to agencies.

Other services are the research support specialized in the track of consumers and trends and the potty post it which are posters in strategic places so that people can read about the new trends, the post it are mostly in the kitchen and nearby the water fountain. It’s important to know that the employees at to company don’t like to read so she gives a brief summary of the articles accompanied visual communication.

Liz told us that in her particular position at work she needs to make them believe that librarians are indispensable and that they couldn’t live without a librarian; as well as to inspire the company with strategic and creative inspiration and to be one step ahead showing the information. In one sentence her job is to be smarter in the field of marketing.

And that even though it’s a different library her skills are mixed up with the traditional and the new. She need to be a trend track and an analyst of the information with a point of view, along with a confident attitude as an expert in information and fearless.

After all, the Upshot Marketing library is not that far of a traditional library, because corporate libraries have to gain new clients, enchant them and keeping them happy by knowing them to be successful, just as a traditional library attracts new users by the services and innovates the services to fulfill the new and future needs.

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