American Library Association & Advocacy for Sustainable Development
I had the opportunity of visiting the American Library Association (ALA) office in Chicago during our visit to Chicago as a Mortenson Center Associate and I regard myself very lucky to have seen and hear all the activities of the organization for the upliftment and development of libraries and librarians around the world.
As impressed upon by the ALA officer, the organization had taken strategic roles not only for the development of Libraries but also in advocacy to government issues as well. As one the largest organization in the field of librarianship and its policy towards the upliftment of libraries and its services to people in all walks of life the ALA is rightly playing the role of sustainable development for the community it served through libraries. It also made me realize how libraries can play advocacy roles in the development of a country and I believe that if other Library Associations can play the same role, there will be tremendous progress among the libraries and the services they provided.