SDGs in Costa Rica

The organization in charge of the SDGs in Costa Rica is the Mideplan, and they are going through out three stages. The first stage is to implement the SDGs in several regional plans, the second stage is to start programs in the community and the third stage is to incorporate institutions to improve the process with a better coordination and to involve the UN 2030.


Now talking about Costa Rican libraries and SDGs, is led by the Costa Rican library association (it is called COPROBI, Colegio Profesional de Bibliotecólogos). They did a meeting to present the goals but not quite starting to do something really about it.

As you know, Costa Rica is a small country and it’s a little behind the SDGs but that is not an excuse, and as a matter of fact, they have been involved with the SDGs without knowing them. Like for example, the work with indigenous people, women´s rights, children, youth, elderly people, care for the environment, hungry by providing dining rooms and the most recent example is the open government.

Open government aims to help citizens collaborate in the creation and improvement of public services and in strengthening transparency and accountability, which is related to goal 5 (gender equality), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (partnership for the goals).

In the Costa Rican libraries you can find this goals:AAEAAQAAAAAAAAhoAAAAJGYzNmFkY2VmLWEwOWUtNGNkZC04Y2EzLTc3NzMyZGI4YmRlYg

Here you can find the IFLA International Advocacy Programme (IAP) Update – May 2017 to read more about it.

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