The Visit to the University community fab lab was amazing, it exposed me to new things that can be produce by being creative. This makes practical work easy and faster, and it is the best way to learn. An interesting art was using the Embroidery machine to create all sorts of design for the clothes makers. Designing and printing teaching aid for young children to facilitate learning. It was a wonderful experience.
I had at the fab lab, it also provide opportunity for students programmes both at the center and outside the center for people to learn these skills which are necessary for the the development of the individual and industrialization and economic well being of the country. As was highlighted in goal nine of the SDGs goal: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
In line with this idea was also the training on strengthening innovative library leaders the associates were exposed to different approaches of identify problems and profer solutions to avert such problems without putting blame on any one. The interesting technique is standing out to take responsibility as a leader which may people find difficult to accept. Creativity and skills acquisition are necessary for the development of an individual and society.