2nd week : Fab Lab and Sustainable Development Goal


We went to the Champaign-Urbana Community FAB LAB at University of Illinois Champaign, June 1, 2017.


The Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab is an open and collaborative workshop space for computer-driven innovation, design and fabrication. They en


able makers of all kinds to imagine, design and create using open source software and DIWO (do it with others!) methodologies. They do this by working with a local and international network to actively cultivate public engagement through community-focused art-entrepreneurship, research and education.

There are lots of the tools and materials. Laser Engraver, 3D Printi

ng and Scanning, Electronic Cutters, Milling Machines, Textiles and Fabrics, Electronics Resources and so on.

We tried to make stickers by Silhouette Cameo which is the electronic cutting tool printer. When we upload the picture to the Silhouette Studio software, It cut the edge of the picture’s silhouette easily. It can cut intricate designs and it was incredible.

As personally, people cannot buy all of these stuff which are expensive and not used often. In this situation, It is more easier and practical to share machines like in this Fab Lab. In the USA, there is a garage culture, but there isn’t in Korea. As Steve Jobs’ Apple started first in the garage which can be compared to the Fab lab, we have to make the environment to let the people be creative and do something what they want.

In this case, it is matched Sustainable Development Goal  #9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. 

Did you know that a fax was made at the library? The book has created the innovative machine. In the future, more creative and whimsical information will be produced through such a machine. I believe that such activities will start from the library. There are several Fab lab in Korea. But In order for this culture to spread widely,  it is necessary to be able to have simple devices from the public library which is able to build infrastructure for participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


If you want to know more about the Champaign-Urbana Community FAB LAB click here.



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