The Westerville Public Library will be a leading public library in America. Through innovation and imagination we will provide an environment where people of all backgrounds and ages may dream their dreams, exercise their imaginations, feed their intellects, nurture success and otherwise enhance their lives.
They adopted the Drive through system for the easy borrowing book and they allowed to borrow their materials to another institutes for the user-focused service.
Here is the video of the Drive-up Windows. If you want to see how they provide the reserved book, you can watch in this link as easy as possible.
I really impressed about their brilliant IDEAS! It doesn’t come from the any particular conference or workshop, it has just came from the people who is interested about their service and user’s convenience. At the end of the tour of the Westerville Public Library, I reflected myself. What I gave the service at the National Library of Korea was not focused on the convenience of the users, it was just for the library friendly service system.
In addition, Don W. Barlow who is the Executive Director of the Westerville Public Library gave me tons of inspirations.
Don began his career as the Executive Director of the Westerville Public Library in 1988. He did great job of his field and I certainly said that the Westerville was made by his visionary leadership.
He really cares about the customer’s expectations. He have thought that staff have to serve any customer, anywhere, anytime in the library, regardless of job title and position. It was the service model of the Westerville Public Library. So he have emphasized on the all of the resource which can give information to users.
“To Be successful LIBRARIES MUST simply provide customers with what they want, when and where they want it!” – Don W. Barlow
If you want to watch the interview video of Don W. Barlow click here.
After I had met him, I decided to do like he did. I want to follow a little of what he did. He inspired me a lot and I’m absolutely sure that I could be the visionary leader thanks to sharing the time with us.