Westerville public library 2

– I think it’s a great experience to visit one of the most important public libraries in Ohio, and also it has been recognized as a Five-Star Library by Library Journa 2016. Also we are so lucky to meet Don. The Executive Director of the Library is one of the most important leaders in our field I had met. He has a great mind and a consistent spirit that enabled him to upgrade the library to be one of the most important public libraries in the region. He has been the Executive Director since 1988 for 28 years. Unfortunately, he is preparing to retire at the end of May.

He is considered one of the most important library executives director in the region. He managed and lead the Westerville public library to be recognized as a Five-Star Library by Library Journal in 2016 . The library has become, despite its small size, one of the most attractive places for young,old, students and everyone. He has changing many of traditional concepts in information services, and introduced many services such as Drive-Up Window service, which is one of the important services in the library, and you can know more about Don by checking his blog here . 
– Drive-Up Window

– In fact, I was impressed by the way this service is provided, where you can borrow books and return them through a special window for that, in order to save the users time. I have never seen this service anywhere else.
– Unlimited number of books for borrow:

One of the special things about this library, is the unlimited number of books that can be borrowable. This is what makes the library also add a basket borrowing service to facilitate the carrying of books.

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