OCLC – A blend of old and New

20170531_113954The Visit to OCLC was a fascinating one, It gave me opportunity to witness some of the modern technologies used in the library. There are a lot of opportunities available for upcoming librarians such as the Jay Jordan/ IFLA programme. You can read more about this programme if are qualified feel free to apply because you will benefit from the programme. Some of the OCLC products include Question point,  world cat,  and CONTENT dm. As librarians we can work together to make impact, the visit to OCLC is commendable as it exposed me to alot of opportunities and services offered by OCLC.  One of the descriptions at the OCLC, as shown below, said it all.


What are we then waiting for? the right time to make the breakthrough possible is now. Mortenson International Library programme has created an opportunity for librarians globally to collaborate for and networking which is an avenue for breakthroughs.

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